SOAL 51: Energetic Leadership
As a little girl, Deborah Werner was always drawn to the garden in the backyard of her grandfather’s house, in the inner city of Chicago. Early on, she would discover the soothing comfort and tranquility a rose petal’s dew could bring. Deborah pursued her passion for florals by opening her own florist shop and later would begin studying the powerful properties of flower essences. Werner is now the business owner of “Earth Wind and Flowers”, a collection of sprays that help balance your physical and emotional well-being. Deborah is pursuing her passion and demonstrates what it means to follow your soul purpose.
Flowers help you with self-confidence and they help you to shine your light, be who you truly are.
Once you change your aura and you strengthen your energy, it changes your life.
When you’re doing what your soul wants, everything comes to you.
You have to be grounded to manifest your dreams and goals.
You’ll Learn
- Flowers help support us through many different emotions and seasons of life.
- The essence of a flower can change your aura and be very powerful.
- Follow your heart, your soul purpose.
Hello and welcome to Soul of a Leader Podcast where we ignite soulful conversations with leaders. In today’s episode, Dr. Alicia and Dr. Eileen sit with Deborah Werner to discuss energetic leadership.
Hello, and welcome to Soul of a Leader. In today’s episode, we have Debora Werner. She is the creator and founder of Earth, Wind, and Flowers, a woman-owned business since 1997. She has brought flower essence into mainstream markets with her Earth, Wind, and Flowers balancing sprays. Deborah’s clients report quick and lasting results with insomnia, depression, addiction, stress, finances, relationships, space clearing, and overall support in daily life. Deborah has helped thousands of adults, teens, children, and pets alike, assisting in their personal flower combination to support their immediate life challenges.
These vibrational remedies are made in Wisconsin in the woodland, prairie, and wetlands with native and heirloom plants, utilizing their original blueprint to support the soul’s authentic self or true essence. Deborah’s mission is to bring the highest vibrational essence in the purest form in a fun, user-friendly way for easy selection and educates on how the power of flowers can bring more joy in everyday life. Deborah has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, Biz Journal, Treasures of Community Wisconsin, and has spoken at schools, spas, stores, groups, and events over the last two decades. Welcome, Deborah.
Yes. Very, very impressive. So tell me, Deborah, because I was definitely listening to that bio, did we leave anything out that you would like to add? I’m sure it was a lot more we probably missed.
Well actually, I’ll add that now we’re global too.
So that’s the exciting news with Earth, Wind, and Flowers these days, having a global audience at this point. It’s so awesome that my products are really being used all around the world.
Well isn’t that wonderful that the message is out all across the world of what you do?
It’s really exciting. It really is. I always wanted that to happen, and you would think in 2020, it was a rough year for everybody, but actually, it’s really opened up our products, because it’s so needed right now.
Great. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s called pivoting. What I want to ask you about, because that is very impressive to go global with your product, tell me and the audience, how did you get started with this, with Earth, Wind, and Flowers? Because I’m almost trying to say Earth, Wind, and Fire. So I have to keep telling you, I’m like Earth, Wind, and Flowers. Earth, Wind, and Flowers.
Well, do you want to hear how I got started with the business or how I learned about the flower essences? Do you want me to
Both. Let’s do both.
Okay, because it is a fun, awesome story. I love my story because it started out when I was a little girl in the city of Chicago. You know how the city is. It’s a lot of loud noises and so forth. As a sensitive child, as a very intuitive, sensitive, and we had in our backyard, we had this elevated train in the alleyway after the backyard. Then we had a small backyard. That L train would come by constantly, especially at rush hour every couple of minutes. I could feel that electrical sparks and the vibration of that, and it was really upsetting to me.
So what happened was my grandfather had a beautiful garden. He composted his own soil, and he harvested the seeds every year, and he had heirloom seeds, and we had roses, and peonies, and irises, marigolds. Even his grass was all made up and planted. Everyone would just take their shoes off to step on it. It was so soft. He never had to use pesticides, because if you have a biodynamic garden, that’s what it’s called when you compost your food scraps and so forth, it’s called black dirt, black gold. They call it black gold. The plants grow so strong. They’re more than organic. They’re biodynamic.
So what happened was when the L train would come by, I would just go near the roses, and I would actually sip the dew from the petals. I don’t know how I knew to do that, but I would sip the dew. I would even shake it on my wrists and put it over my heart. It would soothe me.
It was just lovely that we had this garden to protect from the sounds and the vibrations of the city. That’s the first time I learned about flower essences, okay? As a little girl. So I’ve been attuning, and that’s what we call an attunement. My grandfather actually talked to the plants, and I thought that was normal. So I would attune with the flowers, and I would be protected. After a while, my energy would just strengthen, and I wasn’t so bothered by the outside sounds and noises and energies.
So as I got older, I loved flowers so much, I ended up becoming a florist, because I had to be with flowers all day long. I loved it. So at least 15 years, I was a floral designer, and I did beautiful wedding flowers, get well arrangements. I would deliver them too, and it was so joyful for me because I would see how everyone, their mood would be uplifted when I would hand them the bouquet of flowers, just how I was uplifted as a little girl by the flowers.
But after a while, I felt there was something more. I was really having a hard time doing just wedding flowers because I knew there was a deeper level. My soul was just saying, “There’s something deeper here.” I knew there was something, but I did not know what it was. After a while, I had to see. I went to a psychologist who was a friend of mine, and I said, “There’s something else. I know there’s something else with flowers.” She said, “Deborah, you work with flowers every day. That’s what you love.” I said, “I know, but there’s something more, and I don’t know what it is.” So it was my soul calling out just saying there’s a deeper level of this.
So luckily, my friend the psychologist said, “Well, you know what? There is a class coming up next week. It’s by a psychiatrist, and her name is Dr. Ann Hammond in Chicago, and she’s giving a week-long class on flower essences.” Right away, I was just getting goosebumps. I go, “Oh, that sounds so awesome.” So I said, “I’m signing up for that class.” I was right there in that class that whole week. In the first 10 minutes of the class, she started talking about how flower essences are made from the dew of the plant. It’s shared in a sacred ceremony. It’s an attunement. So you’re actually talking to the flowers to have them share the energy of the blossom.
Well, and you knew that with the dew when you were how old?
Yeah, I was under five. I think I was three or four when I discovered this, and here I was then in my 20s. Actually, it was my early 30s when I finally learned about flower essences. Right away, I said, “This is it. This is it. I’m changing my career. This is my life purpose. This is my calling.” I was so excited, I went home, I made my first flower essence with the technique, with the crystal bowl and spring water. Then the next day, I brought the essence to the class. Back then, I was really shy, okay? Flowers help you with self-confidence and they help you to shine your light, be who you truly are.
Well, here I was with this mother tincture, they call it. I had made a mother tincture. Of course, I sipped it the night before and the morning before I went to class. I felt great. It was just amazing, but I was still scared to bring the tincture to the class because after all, I was there to learn something. Well, I walked in, and one of the classmates as I walked in, was a gentleman, he was very intuitive. He could see auras. I walked in, and he stands up, he goes, “What did you do? What did you do?” I go, “What? What? What do you mean?” He goes, “Your aura is so bright. It’s pink. It’s like 10 times bigger than yesterday.”
Oh my gosh.
I said, “Well, I made a flower essence.” Everyone in the class comes up to me, and they say, “Can we see? Can we see it? Can we try it? Can we have some?” I said, “Well sure.” Well, then I knew. Everyone took the essence, and everyone felt fabulous. I go, “It took. It took. I did it. I did it.”
Oh my gosh.
So that was so exciting to me. I said, “This is it.” I was so happy, but all I could do then was just keep learning, learning, learning about the flowers, the deeper level, the meaning of each flower has a harmonious quality to it, and it supports our human emotions. So I went back, started from square one, and I had to learn about energy anatomy because these essences are very powerful. They go into your aura, and they completely change your aura. Once you change your aura and you strengthen your energy, it changes your life. Everything gets easier. Your health-
I want it. I want it.
I know, right? I was like, “Tell me more about the flavors.”
Tell us. Tell us. Tell us more. Tell us more and what we should use for today, but keep going with your story. We’ll get to that shortly.
Okay. Well, it took me seven years to develop my product line, but I’ll tell you right away, I couldn’t start making essences. It was one after the other, because I knew every flower. I knew the Latin name. I knew everything about the flower, but I didn’t have the essence. So then I get a phone call from the Chicago Tribune. I had just opened my own flower shop, okay? I was going to do wedding flowers, but then guess what? Now because I’m opening the shop, I’m the owner, I can change it. I called it Earth, Wind, and Flowers, but I’m going to change it. This is going to be all about flower essences. My company, that was in 1997.
Well, I get a phone call from the Chicago Tribune, the Temple publisher. So she goes, “Hi, I got your name. You make flower essences.” I said, “What? Who told you that? How would you know that?” I said, “Well, I’m just starting out.” She goes, “Well, we have this psychologist and this chiropractor and this person here, and they all point fingers at you that you’re making essences. I said, “Well, I am, but as I said, I’m still starting out.” She goes, “Well, you know what? It’s a very specialized field.” I said, “I know.” She goes, “But can we do the article please? Can we interview you?” I said, “Well, okay, sure.” I was really scared, because I said, “Well, I’m just starting out.” She goes, “That’s fine.”
Well, I am so glad I did that article with her, and she said, “Can our photographer come and take pictures of you making essences?” I said, “Well, I don’t know. No, I’m not going to allow that.”
Right, yeah.
Well, three days later, she calls like, “Please, please, can we have a few pictures?” I said, “Okay.” I’m so glad I did, because about two weeks later, I’m in the grocery store, and here is the Temple, the Tribune paper with the Temple. Well, I was on the cover in color, and I’m holding my crystal bowl with the flowers and roses in the bowl in my garden on the cover. Then you go into the Temple, and it’s full-page, I’m on the cover, and they interviewed me. They also interviewed psychologists and people who actually have worked with flower essences, chiropractors, doctors who really understood it. So it turned out to be a very awesome article.
I said, “You know what? This work is a calling. I knew it. When you’re doing what your soul wants, everything comes to you. It’s not that hard. It’s just everything has its own rhythm and it grows organically like that.” So that was over 20 years ago, and I’m still doing it, and I’m still excited. Now I get to share it with the whole world. It feels really great.
That story is amazing. I just have to tell the listeners I have used Deborah’s product for I don’t know how many years. I think I purchased it at the Ruby Room here once, and then I purchased them directly from you, all different types of them. Mary, there’s [Miraclist 00:14:58] Mary for Mary, the Virgin Mary, I think there was one.
Mother Mary spray.
Mm-hmm (affirmative). Then I write about fairies, and I reached out to Deborah, and I said, “I am really connected with fairies.” She created a fairy spray that I still have. There are so many. My favorite is Love and Protection. I always have that one, and there are so many more. So in today’s world and time, how do you determine or how do people select these wonderful essences, which can change your life and bring joy? When I’m worried or a big speech or anything, I take my Love and Protection and spray it all over me. So go ahead and share that with us.
Sure. Well, what I did, because a lot of people didn’t understand what a flower essence was because they started to understand aromatherapy, which that’s essential oils. The essential oils are made from the root or the stem or the petals of the plant, and it’s distilled, extracted, but a flower essence is all energy. It’s the vibrational emission of the newly opened blossom. So I am very intuitive where I can actually feel that flower is about to open. I just know, and I get my crystal bowl, and I’m invited to make that essence, and it usually takes a couple of hours in the sun, and it’s always so joyful. You just feel blissed out when I make an essence. It’s such a magical experience working directly with the plant. I even learned how to hold. I don’t say take. It’s shared. It’s shared with me in the spring water in a crystal bowl. You want crystal, just like a fine wine, you want to have that in crystal, not glass. It’s so pure and so vibrant.
Then that’s called a mother tincture. Then you don’t need a lot of that tincture to put in a bottle, in a spray. We did them where we had dropped on your tongue. You could drink it, but then I just found that if I put it in a spray, I can mist my whole body with it, and I mist it all over my head, and it goes all down my whole aura. It comes right in, and then it really strengthens your whole energy field. It nourishes all the chakras if people understand how energy acupuncturists know about the meridian system and chakras and your qi, Chinese medicine. So it goes right in and fills any gaps that stress and trauma have created in the energy field. It goes right in, and it self-adjusts to each individual. It’s just as if you went out and walked in nature. Those blossoms are emitting the essence into the air, and it’s carried through the air. When you go for a walk, don’t you come back refreshed?
Oh yes.
You come back and take a 20-minute walk, and then you have to go inside in front of your computer where you’re like, “I only did that walk.” Well, you are being blessed with the essence. It’s going into your energy field. You can’t really see it. You can smell it. It’s fragrant, but you can feel it. That’s the main thing. You can feel it. So what I did was I went to stores. Stores started carrying my products in the Chicago [inaudible 00:18:48] area. Eileen, you were at the store called Ruby Room.
So what I did was I would make appearances. So I could explain what essences were and the difference between essential oil and essence. Then being intuitive, I knew which spray… Eileen, she’s like, “I love fairies.” Well, Fairy Magic, that’s your spray or Loving Protection. Now Loving Protection is one I wish I had when I was a little girl because living in the city, I needed to protect my energy because I was so sensitive. I was picking up on everyone’s thoughts and feelings. Being empathic like that, you feel like you have ADD or something. So the flowers strengthen your energy field so you’re less apt to pick up on everyone else’s energies. You’re in your own beautiful bubble of energy. Then you can create from that space.
So Loving Protection is a great, great essence for empaths or intuitive people or anyone that’s working in close proximity to others, like nurses, even veterinarians, chiropractors, massage therapists, airline servers. Just trying to think. Anyone really who’s sensitive, and especially little children. I have the children’s collection. Even at school.
Then you won’t be so distracted by everyone else. You can get your work done faster, and it helps with tests and so forth. So I was able to help people in person. Well, in person is great, and I did that for, gosh, well, this was over 20 years, so I would just go to the stores. Well, then what happened was COVID happened, and one of the things I had always wanted to do more of is called tele-summits, just like what you guys are doing, podcasts, and so forth. I would listen to these summits, and they would have people on and interview people that really help with self-help and things like that. I would listen to that while I was doing my orders and bottling and so forth. Then I said, “You know what? I would love to be on a tele-summit.”
What happened was I was on my first tele-summit four years ago, and I loved it, and it was global.
I was like, “Wow, this is really fun.” What I learned how to do was to be able to mist people remotely, okay? I learned this from the summits where a lot of the energy healers could do energy healing, but my guys, I really work with the flowers and I work with the angels too. They said, “You can mistflower essences remotely, because they are vibrational, and there’s no time and space with energy.” I had studied energy anatomy for several years. I go, “Oh, I get that. I get that.” So I started misting people. What they would do is call in, and they’d say, “You know what? I’m having a lot of stress right now. I’m depressed,” or, “My husband lost his job.” And go, “Okay,” and I would know exactly which sprays to mist remotely.
I do this now. This is my main thing. I am able to help so many people. All they have to do is call in on these tele-summits. Now I have my own packages where we have a garden, and every day, the people in the garden that have purchased a package, and we do it every 30 days, or they can do it on auto, we have daily mistings. So we have sprays that help with grounding.
Oh wow.
You have to be grounded to manifest your dreams and goals. So that is made from the red wild rose. So I have a spray called Manifest. So I make sure I mist everyone with Manifest to start out their day. You want to be grounded. Then I do Loving Protection. Protect your energy. Look at what’s going on in the world. There’s so much-
Oh yes.
… fear and panic and all this. So why pick up on everyone’s feelings? All this is going to keep going. So you want to stay in your own bubble of energy to create from that space and do good things that you’re doing without being distracted. Then we have another spray called creativity. Almost everyone can use that spray. If you feel like you’re stuck or you’re procrastinating, and even the kids at school, they’re not having fun doing remote schooling at all. They’re at home. They’d rather be playing with their friends on the playground. So I mist with creativity, and all of a sudden everything starts flowing, just like the flowers. Flow with things. They adapt. Everything just keeps flowing. So if you open up your stuck energy, your creative ideas start to flow, and creativity is how we make money.
Oh absolutely, yeah. Yeah.
So these are key sprays to use. You can use these every day. So I-
No what do you have for pets?
Okay, so pets, I have a whole collection called Happy Tails.
Oh my gosh.
I love it, Happy Tails.
Happy Tails.
Happy Tails.
They do, they start wagging their tails. So I mist them first with Rainbow usually, and that’s in the collection, but if anyone calls me, I have a client who says, “Can you help my pet?” I mist them with Rainbow.” They just start wagging their tails. They love that vibration. It’s actually made from the essence of the rainbow. So we’re clearing and cleansing the energy, and pets tend to pick up on everyone’s negative energy for some reason.
Oh yes.
So all of a sudden they get all cleansed and clear, and it raises the vibration in the room, cleanses the room. Then we have Pet Calm. That’s for pets who if they’re shelter pets, if they’re coming into a new home, Rainbow helps with that too, helps them feel their place of belonging in a new home, but then we do Pet Calm, and that really calms them down. If they’re nervous, if there are fireworks, or if they’re traveling. So we do a lot of Pet Calm, which is very similar to Creativity. Pet Calm, yeah, it calms the nervous system, but also it’s that iris flower essence, which helps them if there is stuck energy if there’s fear. Everybody does it. We tend to hold onto that. So at least it can allow that energy to start flowing again.
Anyone who’s in pain, if pets have been injured or they had surgery, the Pet Calm is very good, because then you can breathe through the pain as it heals the body because the body heals itself. Then we have trauma reliefs for pets, for shelter pets that have gone through trauma, and that’s very, very effective to cleanse the trauma from the energy field. The flowers go deep. They open up meridians. We’ve had them tested by doctors and case studies, and it’s just amazing, and it’s all-natural.
Yes, I was just thinking it was coming from the earth.
Yeah, it’s all so pure. It’s coming from the earth, and it’s something that it comes and it self-adjusts to what the person needs. Once their energy soaks it up, if you don’t need it anymore, it’ll dissipate out and it’ll bless somebody else in the world or cleanse the energy, just like nature does. That’s what I love about it. It helps the pets, the little kids, the babies, adults, couples, people if they’ve lost their job. People under stress, do get breaks and holes and gaps in their energy field. So this comes right in to fill in those gaps, and it works within 30 seconds, just like if you went outside and walked in nature.
If someone wanted to go to your website if you could share your website, what would you suggest in this time of an essence they should use?
Oh, that’s a great question. Well, what I did on my website, and it’s www.earthwindflowers.com, and the ones, so sprays that we’re using every day right now with everything that’s going on, COVID, with the elections, just we had the fires in California and Oregon, there’s just so much going on. So the sprays that we’re using the most, I have it right as you go into my site, they’re right there in the front. I say it’s for our gardeners, okay? This is for the people that sign up for my packages, but it’s for anyone. These are the ones that everyone’s testing for right now, manifest.
There’s another one I had to tell you about what everyone wants right now, and they’re having amazing results is called Open Doors to Prosperity.
Oh, that sounds really exciting. What? How is that composed? Tell us?
This one is majorly going global, okay? So what’s happening is as I was developing my product, I used the flowers for myself, and then of course then the Tribune and everything else. So all of a sudden I started getting people coming, “Can I try this? Can I try that?” “Oh great.” Because then I was able to study the flowers. What happened was I was trying to sell my home and move to Lake Geneva, because I was being called to make essences from the woodlands and the wetlands, just are more of the woodland flowers.
So what happened was I was having a hard time. It was the market in 2005, and real estate wasn’t… All of a sudden, it wasn’t selling as fast, and I was going, “What do I do? What do I do? How can I sell my house faster?” Then I was meditating, and this formula came to me, divinely given, and it was saying, “You already have what you need. You just need to put it together.”
Put it together
Divine. Divine, yes.
Divinely given, and there are four flower essences I had already made, but I put it as a combination formula together, and I added a little bit of rose geranium essential oil. I was guided to mist my whole house, all the rooms in my house, mist my body, mist over my aura. Even I poured some down out in the soil with the St. Joseph statue out there in my
Yeah, I’ve used the St. Joseph statue.
Then I even mist it outside my front door. I just intuitively like, “Okay,” because I really had to get a buyer within a week or I would have lost the house and the money down in Lake Geneva. It was a silent contingency. So I was really like, “Okay, let me try this, okay?” Guess what. Within two days, this couple came on their bike and they said, “Your house is so beautiful. Can we see it?” I said, “Sure. I was supposed to have a house showing today, but the realtor canceled because their kid had a baseball game or something.”
So I took them through the house, and they left, and they said, “It’s just gorgeous.” Then I gave my phone number too, because they seemed to be so nice and friendly, and we could be friends. They called me, and they said, “I’m so sorry to bother you, but we want to buy your house. We heard that you said you really have to get the asking price to buy the other house to move to Lake Geneva.” He goes, “So you can’t go down anymore?” I said, “No, I really can’t.” He goes, “That’s fine. That’s fine. We’ll pay the cash asking price.”
Oh my gosh.
“This is a dream house. It’s so perfect. We’ll get a realtor and call you back.” I said, “Wait a minute. You don’t have a realtor?” This is how magical this formula is, because then what happened was I called in the perfect buyers for my house, beyond perfect. They didn’t even have a realtor. So I ended up saying $17,000 because they didn’t have a realtor, because my realtor said, “No, I’ll do both. We’ll do the closing,” and he had cash. It was the easiest closing, and I sold my house within less than a week. I’m like, “This spray is amazing.”
Well, you listened. Your intuition told you, and there was a divine line that’s the voice-
Divine, yes.
… God telling you this.
Divine intelligence and I was open to hearing that guidance, just like I’m open to hearing the guidance of the flowers as a little girl. I talked to the flowers, and I talked to the divine. I was given this essence because it was part of my life purpose. Well, that’s what’s in the spray. There’s an essence that helps connect you with your life purpose. Then I also put the essence in there for grounding, okay? Then I have an essence that will strengthen the whole energy field at once. When you do that, your attractor field is strengthened and you attract into you rather than you going out to it, it comes to you.
Now, this essence is a spray. Then I called it Open Doors. Then, later on, everyone who used it ended up making money. They would have the perfect [inaudible 00:32:52] house, the new perfect clients, even the stores that carried my product, they would open the door if it was slow, and then as soon as they mist out, all of a sudden people just start riffling and coming in. It’s magical. So they said, “You have to call it Open Doors to Prosperity. You have to put that word on there, prosperity.” I said, “Okay, I will because I made money with the spray for my house. Look at all that I… Extra.” It is, it’s a prosperity spray.
So this is one that even in this current economic climate, people are selling their homes above the asking price. People are getting better jobs than they’ve had ever. People are connecting with supportive people right now, which is very important. With COVID, you really want supportive people around you. It’s important. Neighbors coming in to bring food, and I have tons of testimonies where… You’ll have to check that out on my site. It’s so fun to read them, and every day, I get testimonies. It is such a joy to help people with the flower sprays, and that’s really strengthening their own attractor field.
I even have a spray called Empower too because flowers want us to be empowered and to really bring out our true essence and really know how amazing we are. The Empower sprays really help us with self-confidence. I was very, very shy. Now I’m not. I could go and talk. I don’t need notes. I just go in and it’s just-
Right, it’s the spray that you put and use for that confidence.
It’s the spray. Yeah, bring it out. Really, I just love to talk about it, because it’s helped me in my life, and all of the sprays were really part of my journey. I used a flower for each thing in my life. When I went through my divorce and being a single mother, I then went right to the flowers and knew then which flower was going to help me. I use it, and I say, “You know what? It works perfectly. This is for sleep. This one for depression. This one’s to bring out joy. This one is to help with prosperity.”
Then I made a spray called Miracle, and this one is going global as well. It works very well with Open Doors. Open Doors, that’s all you really need for prosperity, but if you also use Miracle, it actually expands the possibilities and raises your vibration to that miracle. Once we raise our vibration, everything becomes easier. Things come to you. Problems get solved faster. You’re in a greater state of joy and bliss no matter what’s going on in the world, and it helps you to be… When you’re in a high vibration, you have more vibrant help, and you’re also blessing the world by your high vibration. Just by being you and being joyful, your blessing… Actually, if you’re in a state of joy, it’s measured. There’s a book called… It’s by Dr. David Hawkins. He has a chart-
Isn’t it Power vs. Force?
Power vs. Force. Thank you, Eileen.
And it has a frequency chart. I use it in my-
A frequency chart.
Yep, I use it in my forgiveness workshops, because if people are low energy, that really makes it, “Yeah, go, go, talk about it.” It’s great.
Yeah. So if you can be at love or above every day, and that’s why I have people… We have packages where I mist them every day to be in love or above, to start their day managing their energy. If you could be at love or above, everything is a lot easier. If you’re down in the dumps and you’re feeling a sense of fear, betrayal, jealousy, hatred, envy, all these things, like let’s say you’re going through a divorce, all these feelings come up. You can’t help it.
Oh, absolutely. Yeah.
You can’t help it. Then you have a broken heart. Then you’re blaming everybody and all that stuff. That’s all part of our journey, okay? We are human. We’re going to feel those things.
Absolutely. Yeah. You’re going to feel that, yeah.
But God put the flowers on this planet as our co-creative partners. Flowers help us through all these emotions. Our highest part of ourself, which is our emotional-spiritual part of our nature. So nature-
Isn’t it… Oh, sorry to interrupt. Isn’t it funny that we give flowers for weddings, we give flowers for growing to get better, we give flowers for grieving? It kind of aligns with what you’re saying.
Yeah. Flowers are our partners. Yeah. Your first rose that you got from your first love.
Yeah, at graduation times you get flowers, yeah.
Yeah, your corsage. That opens your heart. It keeps it open. Now you create miracles through your heart. People don’t understand that, but if you understand energy anatomy as I do, if you close down your heart, and we’ve all been hurt. Humans have all been hurt at some time, but if you walk around with a closed heart, it’s going to affect your prosperity, okay? That’s how we create miracles.
So I have a spray called Open Heart and Protection. This is if you’re feeling hatred, envy, jealousy, betrayal. As I said, we’ve all been there, family stuff, sibling rivalry, even with toddlers, our dogs get jealous. We know. Actually, it’s in the animal collection too. It’s called Respect. It’s for jealous dogs. They get jealous.
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
So this spray is made from the holly flower, and the holly flower helps to shift the disharmonious qualities that lower the vibration of hatred, jealousy, envy, betrayal, and it shifts you into unconditional love and acceptance for another’s differences. Then that leads to forgiveness. Once you have forgiveness, it disconnects you from the old dynamic, and you can then now start fresh anew in your lane and keep your heart open to create prosperity again in your life, create new relationships. So that spray is very powerful. I love it. The holly flower and we have the holly flower at Christmas. That’s the time when families come together, and there’s a lot of that stuff going on, all those lower vibrations, which if you can be then at love, really actually grief, jealousy, anger, all that.
I think it’s under 200. So if you can get to love is at 400, joy is at 450, I have a spray called Peace. That’s at 600, and we’ve been spraying that spray every day. We’re even misting the whole world with Peace. We’re even giving it-
Well, we definitely need peace.
Yeah, we’re giving a free bonus Peace spray. So everyone’s misting it all around the world, a small bottle. So everyone can mist the world right now with Peace, which is a beautiful thing to be able to do.
Yes, yes. Time flies when we’re having a good conversation. So what are some words of wisdom that you would like to leave with the listeners? I know you’re a woman-owned business. You have a great product, and you talk about a lot of the different scents. Give us some words of wisdom.
I’d love to. I’ve been through everything. Being a woman-owned business, single mom, I’ve had two divorces actually. I’m in the perfect relationship right now. It’s just everything has moved perfectly. But I’m telling you I will say that hang in there, especially if it’s something that people don’t understand, do what’s in your soul, what is unique to you, what gives you passion and joy because that is your life purpose. Hang in there. It’s my work as a business, but it’s a calling. I love what I’m doing it forever. So if you are feeling that there’s something more, then flow with it. Meditate. Really dig deep. Your soul has a perfect for you already, what your soul wants. You’ll feel that in your heart. You’ll feel it as a longing. Follow that. Follow your heart in your career, in your life.
Wow. I could talk for hours with you.
This is so interesting.
Follow your heart. I was just writing that down.
Follow your heart, your soul purpose.
This has been wonderful, Deborah. We can’t thank you enough.
Yeah, you’re so inspiring. Yes.
Our listeners, I know we’re listening right now as we share this podcast, love it. There is so much wonderful, positive energy that came out of this. We are so grateful that you took the time to be on Soul of a Leader.
Yes. Yeah.
Oh, my pleasure. Thank you for inviting me. This has been really fun. Very joyous. Thank you.
Thank you for joining us on the Soul of a Leader Podcast. We are igniting a new way of leading with your soul, and interviewing ordinary people with extraordinary impact. Thank you for listening to the stories of our leaders who will help and guide you on your leadership journey. For more information on our podcast, please visit our website at www.soulofaleader.com. Thank you for listening.

With Dr. Eileen & Dr. Alicia
With Dr. Eileen & Dr. Alicia